Mom-Brain-Fog…Mom-Brain, wait did I already say that?

Can you still call it Stockholm Syndrome when you are talking about your own baby and toddler as your captors?

As a work from home mom, I can sometimes go days without speaking face-to-face with another adult other than my husband. A lot of times during those days, we hardly leave the house. Just quick trips to and from school, errands or a walk to the park.

As a Realtor, there is no such thing as a typical “weekend” and so on top of the home isolation, the days start to blend together.

First of all let me start off by saying…I love working from home and I am blessed that I get to spend as much time with my kids as I do… but it can also really create a sense of isolation and roll in the brain fog big time.

I have been searching for ways to combat this brain fog and aside from working out, making additional intentional time for myself during the week, and creating a sense of community outside of my home, I have added a couple oils to my arsenal!

When I am sitting on the couch trying to break through the fog and get motivated for the day or if I am staring at my computer screen with a big ‘ol blank for too long, I now break out my new favorite oil, Clarity.

Clarity is a blend of Basil, Cardamom, Rosemary, Peppermint, Coriander, Geranium, Bergamot, Lemon, Ylang Ylang, Jasmine, Roman Chamomile, and Palmarosa. Clarity.jpg

This oil will wake you up and part the clouds that have been forming in your head almost instantly. It also may help you with memory retention, so bonus! In fact, one study out of the University of Cincinnati found that inhaling Peppermint oil alone increased the mental accuracy of students tested by 28%! All us moms out there know exactly what “Mom-brain” is like. Where are my keys again? Whether you sniff it directly from the bottle (my go to in “emergencies”) or you diffuse it in your workspace, Clarity will definitely live up to it’s namesake.

The next one in my Essential Rewards shopping cart is called Brain Power. I haven’t tried this blend yet but I am excited to after seeing my results with Clarity. Brain Power.jpg

Brain Power is a blend of Sacred Sandalwood, Cedarwood, Frankincense, Blue Cypress, Lavender and Helichrysum.

Talk about a powerhouse of an oil! This blend is high in sesquiterpenes which are terpenes that help carry oxygen molecules to your cells, including your brain! Research also shows that sesquiterpenes can help dissolve petrochemicals along the receptor sites near the pituitary, pineal, and hypothalamus, which leads to an increase in normal receptivity along those sites. An increase in oxygen + an increase in normal receptivity in your brain = no more brain fog! Yes please!

These two blends are specially formulated to pull you out of your funk and make you a much more productive human. I know that’s something I need from time to time so I plan on having them on hand. If you are interested in learning more or want your very own power boost in your pocket, reach out to us to order or get started with a Wholesale Account. As always, the best way to get started, is through one of our Premium Starter Kits. 


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